You Are a Dark Body

by NATALIE SCENTERS-ZAPICO from Poetry Foundation: "of water with a bed of rock barely visible"  [more]

Al revelar lo que hay detrás de la primera cortina

por ADELMAR RAMÍREZ de Marcapiel: "Al revelar lo que hay detrás de la primera cortina"  [más]  

Leaving as a second language

by ANDREA BLANCAS BELTRAN from Gramma: "the wisteria washed out weeks"  [more]

Sobre la desaparición de La duquesa

por MIGUEL ÁNGEL CHÁVEZ de Ciudad Juárez Art and Poetry: "No se merece el sol ni un solo momento"  [más]


by ALESSANDRA NARVAEZ-VARELA from Acentos Review: "If the lord of the house is green, she is red"  [more]

The night before I move out of New York City

by ALDO AMPARAN from Río Grande Review: "I sit on a table in the loneliest corner of the Chelsea,"  [more]

The Spirit with Which It Was Offered

by JEFF SIRKIN from his book Travelers Aid Society: "The politics of the mixed tape demand territorial expansion" [more]

The Grocery Store Across the Tex-Mex Border

por ÉDGAR J. ULLOA JUJÁN de su bloga multimedia "Mi Juaritos": El Pee-wee era un fulano  [más]


by PAT MORA from American Lives in Poetry: "Mouths full of laughter,"  [more]

To the Desert

by BENJAMIN ALIRE SÁENZ from Poetry Foundation: "I came to you one rainless August night."  [more]

In The Cold Ground (Tom Waits)

por EDGAR RINCÓN LUNA de Instituto Cultural de León: "pero hay algo que te mantiene cerca del cielo" [más]

Heritage Speaker

by ROSA ALCALÁ from Boston Review: "What good is it to erect / of absence"   [more]

La Casa

por CARMEN AMATO TEJEDA de la bloga "Antología Virtual": "La luz en la ventana es el indicio"  [más]

On the Transmigration of Souls in El Paso

by BOBBY BYRD from his book with the same title: "Maybe we will be elsewhere"  [more]

The Lost Letters of Mileva

by MARIA MALONEY from her book. "We are blind and delicate."  [more]


por ANDREA COTE de Círculo de Poesía: "A las cuatro y cuarto" [más]

Chio Sam

por SELFA CHEW de Poemas Poetas: "Dice mi madre que no es posible"  [más]

Seeking Oracles

by DONNA SNYDER from BorderSenses: "She gazes at the flame between" [more]


por SUSANA CHÁVEZ de la bloga "Primera Tormenta": "para Linda Escobedo. He perdido la cuenta de tus huesos"  [más]